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Leave a Gift Through Your Inheritance

Why an Inheritance Gift?
An inheritance gift is a great way to make a meaningful contribution while continuing to use your resources during your lifetime.
ELIC can be named in a will or listed as a beneficiary to a life insurance policy, IRA, or other retirement funds. You can make a specific inheritance gift, or leave a percentage, residual, or contingent inheritance gift.
In order to make an inheritance gift from your will or estate, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include an inheritance gift to ELIC in your will or estate plan. We have provided some basic inheritance gift language to assist you and your attorney below.
Simple wording like this in a will or estate plan is sufficient or you can be more specific about how the funds will be used:
I give and bequeath to English Language Institute/China (ELIC) at 1629 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524, Federal Tax ID #95-3551085, the sum of $____ (or a specific piece of property: pension, stocks, annuities, real estate, etc.) to be used as the board of directors directs.
Instructions for the executor of the will or estate:
Cash gifts can be given online at or by mail to ELIC, 1629 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524. Contact Brian Bumann at to arrange a gift of property or stocks.